My talk titled--
"The Neo-Confederates Don't Know Their History"
--was filmed by The People's Channel of Durham.

Held at Durham Library as part of their Humanties program
on 9/9/2017. Had a full house, got a few ovations and shared some history of the civil war in the South between the Confederacy and Unionists, both white and black. For example, did you know that a majority of NC voters opposed secession in a referendum in 1861?

Here's the link to the talk on Youtube:

And a link to the talk through the Library's website (where it has over 160 views--it's going viral in Durham!):

The link above will also get you a video of my recent talk (1/27/208) called "Let's Tear Down the Worst Slavery-Era Monument: the Electoral College" which had a SRO crowd of 75 people at the Stanford Warren Library.

Recorded an interview with Paul Dolman (author of Hitchiking with Larry David) after he found my essay on the Confederacy being a con job on white people.

Here's the link: