Making in-roads on conservative media. My letter to the editor of WSJ that appeared at the top of the page on 2/14/2018 about problems with the Electoral College.
Want to Repudiate Trump? Dump the Electoral College is running in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Here's a link to my News & Observer op-ed "Southern Republicans Play Their Trump Card. Against Reaganomics."
And here's a link to my North State Journal op-ed about Republican legislators being mercenaries for the one-percent. (Update: Turns out they've deleted my op-ed--perhaps I'm not conservative enough for them. Contact me to get the text.)My recent essay on why a Living Wage is a Profitable Wage and Good for Taxpayers Too, ran in the Durham Herald-Sun. As did the letter below.
And a link to my letter about Jim Crow 2.0.
My op-ed--"The Confederacy was a Con Job on Whites and Still Is"--ran in the biggest paper in Virginia in the capital of the old Confederacy, the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
My Confederate Con Job op-ed has been reprinted in the biggest papers in Georgia--Atlanta Constitution-Journal, Florida, the Tampa Bay Times, the biggest paper in SC, The State, the biggest papers in NC, the N&O and the Charlotte Observer and the third biggest paper in Texas, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. It has also run in the Greensboro News & Record (NC) (the least edited version), the Durham Herald-Sun, the Chapel Hill News, a Roanoke Va. paper, my (nearly) hometown paper the Island Packet and the Miami Herald.
It is also on the website of the McClatchey DC Bureau where if has racked up almost 600 comments and has been mentioned in the NOLA Times-Picayune and
It's soon to appear in the Triangle Free Press as well.
Total circulation of the dozen+ papers running it is over a million readers. It's been one of the "most read" stories in each
paper and getting lots of
"thumbs up" from professors of US History and retired military. And as you might imagine,
some of the "thumbs down" comments are just adorable. :-)
Bloggers, FB'ers and Tweeter'ers are sharing it widely (or so I'm told). Please check out the essay and
share it on social media (or ask your local newspaper's editor to reprint it!) so more people will fully understand just how
bad a symbol the battle flag is. Even for Southern whites.